Sankashti Chaturthi 2022: According to the Hindu Panchang, Everyone should keep the fast of Sankashti Chaturthi on the Chaturthi Tithi of Krishna Paksha of every month. This time, the fast is on 21st January, on Friday. Sakat Chauth is also the name of Chaturthi fast of Krishna Paksha of Magh month (Magh Sankashti Chaturthi).
This Sankashti Chaturthi is also known as Til Chaturthi, Tilkoot Chaturthi, Vakratund Chaturthi. The fast of Sankashti Chaturthi is kept for Lord Ganesha. According to Hindu beliefs, worshipping Lord Ganesha on this day removes all the troubles. Know the method of worship, importance, story, and all the necessary information.

Sankashti Chaturthi Muhurta and Moonrise Timing: Sankashti Chaturthi is Tritiya Tithi on Friday, 21st January till 8.52 am. Only after this, Chaturthi is being observed. But on the same day, after 9:43 minutes, Purva Phalguni Nakshatra will come into effect. Whereas, Rahukaal will be from 10:30 to 12 noon. Therefore, the auspicious time for worship will be from 9.43 am to 10.30 pm. At the same time, moonrise time will be at 8.03 pm in Delhi on this day, while in Mumbai it will be possible to see moonrise at 8.27 pm.
Importance of Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat
According to Hindu Beliefs, people who are not doing auspicious work in their house or whose children are not getting married should please Lord Ganesha by keeping Sankashti Chaturthi fast. Lord Ganesha is known as a factor of auspiciousness. That is why it is said that by keeping his fast, happiness resides in the family
Sankashti Chaturthi Puja Vidhi
People who have faith in Lord Ganesha, fast on this day, please them, and wish for their desired results. Before worshipping on this day, you should get up early in the morning before sunrise. People maintaining the fast should wear red-colored clothes on this day, it is considered very auspicious, and it is also said that by doing this the fast becomes successful.
After this, while worshipping Ganapati, the person should keep his face towards the east or north direction. Decorate the idol of Ganapati nicely with flowers. In worship, you should keep water, incense, sandalwood, banana, or coconut in the urn of sesame, jaggery, laddus, flowers, and copper as prasad. Offer roli to Ganpati, offer flowers and water and offer sesame laddus and modaks. Chant the following mantra by lighting an incense lamp in front of Ganpati.
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Gajananam Bhuta Ganadi Sevitam, Kapittha Jambu Phal Charu Bhakshanam. गजाननं भूत गणादि सेवितं, कपित्थ जम्बू फल चारू भक्षणम्।
Umasutam shoka vinashkarakam, namami vighneshwar pada pankajam. उमासुतं शोक विनाशकारकम्, नमामि विघ्नेश्वर पाद पंकजम्।।
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In the evening, before the moon comes out, worship Ganapati by reciting the Sankashti Vrat Katha. After the worship is over, distribute the prasad. You can break the fast after seeing the moon at night, and thus the fast of Sankashti Chaturthi is completed.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not endorse any kind of belief. Before applying any information or assumption, consult the concerned expert.
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