Best Lines by Monica Geller from Friends tv series

Best Lines by Monica Geller from Friends

If there’s one character from the famous ’90s sitcom Friends who knows how to command a room, it’s Monica Geller. Best of Monica Geller’s Quotes. 

If there's one character from the popular '90s sitcom Friends who knows how to command a room, it's Monica Geller. Best Lines by Monica Geller from FriendsIf there's one character from the famous '90s sitcom Friends who knows how to command a room, it's Monica Geller. Best of Monica Geller's Quotes.
If there’s one character from the popular ’90s sitcom Friends who knows how to command a room, it’s Monica Geller.
  • They Don’t Know That We Know That They Know
  • Judge all you want but; married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl’s wooden leg into the fire, LIVES IN A BOX
  • Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You’re gonna love it!

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