RRB NTPC CBT 2 Date: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the date for the Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) Pay Level 5, 3, and 2 Phase II examination. The candidates who have cleared the first stage exam can now check the exam notice through the official website, rrbcdg.gov.in.

RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam Date Released
RRB NTPC CBT 2 Date: The exam date
As per the official notice, the Railway Recruitment Board will conduct the Pay Level 5, 3 & 2 Phase II Exam from 12th June 2022. For detailed information related to admit cards, exam city, and schedule, candidates keep checking the official website railway.
RRB NTPC Answer Key: The answer key released
Earlier, the Pay Level 6 and 4 Phase II Examination was conducted by Railway Recruitment Board on 9th and 10th May 2022. The board has also released the answer key for this exam, which the candidates can download till 18 May 2022. If the candidate has an objection to the answer to any question, then he can also file a complaint online till May 18. For this, candidates will also have to deposit a fee of Rs.50.
RRB NTPC Recruitment: Recruitment on so many posts
Under the Non-Technical Popular Category in Railways, a total of 35281 vacancies will be recruited, including Junior Clerk, Account Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Training Clerk, Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, and Goods Guard. Candidates will be selected for recruitment to these posts based on Computer Based Test, Typing Skill Test/ Computer Based Aptitude Test, and Document Verification/ Medical Examination.
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