Secure Credit card: A credit card is a very useful thing. Through this, you can fulfil your needs even if, you do not have money. Different banks offer different facilities on credit cards for the customers. If you also have a credit card, then it is beneficial for you, but it can become a problem for you when it falls into the wrong hands.
Due to this, you may have to face problems. In such a situation, you should block your credit card immediately. If your credit card is lost or stolen, but you don’t know how to block it, don’t panic. Today, we will tell you some ways about this, with the help of which you can easily secure your credit card.
Secure your credit card by calling
To block your credit card, you can call on bank’s customer care number and request for blocking your credit card. After this, your credit card will be closed, and you will be completely safe from any problem.
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Block your credit card by Sending an SMS
Apart from this, you can also choose the option of SMS for this. For this, all you have to do is request to block the credit card by sending an SMS from your registered mobile number to the number provided by your bank.
Block through a mobile app
To block the credit card in this way, you have to install the mobile app of your bank. After that, log in by entering your user name and password in it. Now look for Card service in all services and select the option to block the credit card. Doing so will also block your card.
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Secure credit card via the website
Apart from this, you have another way, under this, you have to go to the website of your bank. Now here you have to log in to your account. Although there is a different process for this on the website of all banks, you can do it easily.
Enter your User ID and Password here. Now go to the credit card section and select the option to block your credit card. After entering all the details here, your card will be blocked.