To check your name in the voter list, visit the electoral search website. Here are two ways to check your name on the voter list. You can search your name on the voter list from the details of your mother, husband, etc. or the details of the identity card.
Assembly elections in 5 states of the country, including Uttar Pradesh, Punjab will start from February 10. The State Election Commission has begun preparations regarding the election. At the district level, BLOs are making corrections to the voting list. If you are also a resident of any one of these 5 states, then you should check your name on the voter list. If your name is not on the list then, you will not be able to vote in the assembly elections. Let’s see how to check your name on the voting list online.

How to Check your name on the Voter List
For this, you have to visit the website of the Election Commission of your state. Where you can check your name in the voting list of your area by following some steps. Apart from this, there are two other ways by which you can check the name in the voting list.
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How to check online
- First of all, you have to visit the website of the Election Commission of your state.
- After this here you have to choose your district.
- After that, select the development block.
- Then click on the Gram Panchayat you are from.
- Enter the name of the voter below.
- Enter the name of your mother, father or husband.
- Enter the house number.
- After this, finally fill in the caption code, and click on the search option, after which the complete details will come in front of you.
Another way to check name in voter list
To check the name in the voter list, go to the website of electoral search. Here are two ways to check your name on the voter list. You can search your name from the details of your mother, husband, etc. or the details of the identity card.
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