By Chitransh Sharma
Memorial Day was created to honor the many American men and women who died in military service. This focus on those who made the greatest sacrifice sets it apart from Veterans’ Day, which honors all military veterans, living and dead.
Memorial Day is always celebrated in the U.S. on the last Monday in May. In 2022 Memorial Day is on Monday, May 30.
In Canada, Memorial Day is commemorated with Canada Day on July 1st each year (in the regions of Newfoundland and Labrador), and Remembrance Day on November 11th.
The day was initially set aside to recall Union soldiers who died during the Civil War, but following World War I, its scope extended to include those who died in any war or military action.
The idea for a typical holiday came in 1868 from Illinois Senator John Alexander Logan. Logan used his position to issue a proclamation for a national “Decoration Day” to be observed on May 30 of that year by decorating the tombs of Union soldiers.
The name “Memorial Day” began clipping up from time to time. The new name became more common after World War II, and in 1967 was announced as the official name by Federal law.
Poppies are associated with those who died during wartime since World War I. In the U.S., people wear the red poppy on Memorial Day to honor those who died trying to protect the country, according to The Department of Veterans Affairs.